The Mont-Laurier GMF-U offers resources and tools adapted to your needs. We invite you to consult the list below.
A nurse is on the other end of the line to briefly assess your state of health, based on the symptoms described, and provide you with professional advice for appropriate care.
Info-Santé 811 line (option 1)
For questions and concerns of a psychosocial or mental health nature, specialists can direct you to the right resources, whether you're calling on behalf of yourself or a loved one.
Info-Social line 811 (option 2)
Visit this site to find out about all the physical and mental health services offered by the CISSS des Laurentides to different clienteles (adults, young people, seniors and families).
Centre intégré de santé et de services sociaux des Laurentides
The resource directory of the Corporation de développement communautaire des Hautes-Laurentides (CDCHL) brings together nearly 60 local organizations offering services to different clienteles and tackling different issues.