Family medicine residency

A multidisciplinary medical practice

One of the strengths of the Mont-Laurier GMF-U is the opportunity to develop a wide range of skills and touch on everything. Because of the vast territory we serve and the diversity of our clientele, our family medicine residents practice a wide range of medical disciplines. There's no routine here; every day is different.

Our commitment to our family medicine residents

Our GMF-U is responsible for helping future family doctors learn, and for providing them with all the support they need. Our personalized approach is appreciated by our residents, and our collaborative work principles represent interesting opportunities to develop within a dedicated team that demonstrates complementarity in every action and decision. We focus our learners' learning on the basic principles of family medicine and the skills that define a quality professional.

Social life, at the heart of our learners' well-being

Residents' well-being is a top priority at GMF-U. Supervised by a psychologist, residents have the chance to take part in a variety of activities throughout their training: cross-country skiing, spa, collective cooking, brunch, water activities, yoga and so much more. Many educational activities are offered in our GMF-U: book club, midi-academic, courses, simulation room, participation in various committees, etc. Our GMF-U also organizes a number of social activities: a welcome event for new residents, a holiday activity, a sugar shack dinner, etc.

Residency at GMF-U Mont-Laurier: a positive experience!

GMF-U Mont-Laurier